Tarot Today 9/8/24: There Is Still Time!
Todays Tarot 9/8/24: Today we have the King of Pentacles in reverse, as you can see on the right. This card has to do with money. If this card were to be upright, it would reveal that things are good. But with it in reverse it speaks of one not having control of their finances. When it comes to the king in the tarot cards, it is speaking of masculine energy. This kind of energy sees everything in black & white, there is no in between and it is an energy that is very focused on having everything in the order, in which, they have worked very hard to get. They have invested their money wisely because they have surrounded themselves and taken wise advise from others that have more experience in how to invest or perhaps have more experience in whatever career path one is on. In doing so, they have gained much wisdom and have been able to acquire everything they have manifested and their world is in perfect order and balance.
However, when this card shows up in reverse, it speaks of the opposite. For some it seems that opportunities were taken that may have not been in one's best interest or lack of understanding in how to grow what was being manifested. For some, they may have invested time and money and rushed into something to fast without having a full understanding in how to make their investment profitable. As a result, there has been some financial loss and things are not in the order they had hoped for it to be. I feel that the mind may be a bit clouded with fog and at this point, finding someone who may have some sound advice on the situation would be very helpful. I do not feel like it is too late to turn the situation around. But now is the time to swallow some pride and ask for some help. In doing so, it will clear away fog.
*Please note this is a general reading. If it does not resonate with you, it was meant for you.
If you would like your own personal reading, please visit my website, gypsyspiritcharleston.com
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