
Showing posts with the label ace of pentacles

Tarot Today 1/27/23 : New Clarity In Our Manifestations

Today's tarot card is the Ace of Pentacles. There is a lot to say about this card, as it stands for new beginnings in regards to money. I believe for many of us, we have thoughts and ideas of what our needs and desires are, but we limit ourselves in how we obtain what we want. We must heal our relationship with money. We are good at manifesting what we want, but what comes after is the hard part: gratitude, trust and expectations. When we manifest something, we must have gratitude for the magical miracles the Universe has already provided us with, trust that once we put our needs and desires out it will manifest into a reality and expect the Universe to work it's magic. The problem is that we think to hard about it. We dream of what we need and desire and we get in our own way trying to make it happen. It as if we do not trust the Universe to take care of it and so we try to make it work our own way. But this Ace of Pentacles reveals that for many of us, we are stepping out of ...