Tarot Today 2/7/23 : Stay Strong


Today's tarot comes from the fun & whimsy Alice In Wonderland deck. When I pulled from the deck, I saw that 2 cards came out instead of just 1, an indication that both need to be read together. Let's start first with the 4 of Wands. Many of us have been very busy this year, trying hard to make the changes in our lives that we have committed to. This 4 of wands indicates that it is okay to rest a bit, sometimes we have to do that to regain our bearings and meditate on what we need to do next. But take warning with the next card, The Chariot. Sometimes when we have met our goals we get comfortable and think that we are set, that we will not go back to the old habit or way of thinking and then something slowly creeps up on and tries to derail us. Let's use dieting for an example. How many times have we done this? We go on a certain diet plan, maybe cutting certain foods we love out, and do well for awhile as we come close to reaching our goal. Maybe one day we are tempting with something we gave up and before we know it, we go back to where we first started. This can apply to anything: relationships, drugs, alcohol, thoughts, etc. The Chariot card displays Alice as being like a spirit guide, our spirit guides are trying to direct on the path we are suppose to be on. Notice the gopher is trying to run off and she has her foot on it to keep it from running off. Our spirit guides are always working to protect us, but we do have a free will. This is why this card shows up today, to caution us to keep from straying back to our old ways. We have come a long way and have reason to pat ourselves on the back and stop for a short rest, but do not rest too long, as we might get to comfortable and go back to the old. What changes are YOU trying to accomplish? Have you been derailed and having difficulty getting back on track? A tarot reading with me will help you regain your strength and get back on track. Visit my website and book your session today:



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